Welcome to the portal dedicated to supporting and spreading IP mobility and roaming within the Czech NREN. The project is carried on by the CESNET a.l.e.

The idea to enable to users of interconnected networks easy and transparent usage was born in TERENA mobility TF. Our task is make usage of any network connected to roaming space as easy as using of roaming in cellphone networks. User should have one account (at his home site) and this account grands him permission to use any wireless network connected into eduroam. CESNET is working as member of TERENA mobility TF from it's beginning to make that all reality.

CESNET task is to in coordinate and propagate eduroam ideas at national level, supporting academic organizations interested in cooperation with project. CESNET also tries to present interest of Czech Academic Networks at Europe level in TERENA mobility TF. And not in last line we are running and developing infrastructure needed for

Any network connected to Czech eduroam must accept and comply to our roaming policy which similar to politics used by other NRENs connected into eduroam. Our portal also contains informations needed for admins to prepare their networks for interconnection with We are giving huge efforts for preparing users manuals. All that info is written in Czech because target of our effort are users of Czech NREN.